Contacta STS-K060 speech transfer system features a slimline stainless steel bridge bar unit with a screen-mounted microphone. This system also includes our open duplex amplifier, a hearing loop, and a free-standing staff microphone and speaker unit.
It is a robust option ideal for a variety of environments, whatever the ambient noise conditions.
Contacta STS-K060 Slimline Bridge Bar Kit for use where one to one communication is impaired by use of glass, a security screen or other similar barriers, for example:
- Banks
- Post Offices
- Supermarkets
- Ticket Kiosks
- Information Centres
- Airports
STS-K060 Kit Components
• Speech Transfer Amplifier [STS-A31H]
• Slimline Bridge Bar Unit in Stainless Steel [STS-B90-SS]
• Staff Loudspeaker Unit in Brushed Stainless Steel [STS-SU1-SS]
• PS-55 Power Supply [PS-55-01]
• Counter Hearing Loop Aerial [IL-AE99]